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March 11, 2010
Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds
Minutes of the March 11, 2010 Meeting

Present:  Mayor Driscoll, Robert Lutts, Raymond Vaillancourt
               Thaddeus Buczko and William P. Goreham

Mayor Driscoll called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.

Thaddeus Buczko made a motion to approve the minutes of the 2/11/10 meeting. The motion was seconded by Robert Lutts and voted unanimously.

The Board received a statement from Deschamps Printing for letterhead.
A check for $180.00 will be sent to them from the Administration Fund.

The Brookhouse Home for Women submitted a request for $794.24.  This will be taken from The Endicott Fund as a Large Grant request.

Salem State College submitted reimbursement requests for $2,500.00 as part of the Darwin Festival.  This will be taken from the Read Lecture Fund as a Large Grant request.

The Department of Open Space submitted a request for work done on the Dickson Chapel.  Robert Lutts made a motion to approve $2,300.00 from the Dickson Fund for repairs.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

The Department of Open Space submitted a request for weed killer product to be used around the Dickson Chapel.  Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approved $lll.38 from the Dickson Fund.  The motion was seconded by William P. Goreham and voted unanimously.

The Department of Open Space submitted a request for storm damage at Greenlawn Cemetery.  Thaddeus Buczko made a motion to approve $6,000.00 from the Meldon Fund for storm damage.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00PM.

Respectfully submitted:

F. Kay Fouhey, Clerk